Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day Special “Mompreneurs - a very happy mother’s day!”

Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May is a well-established tradition going back to Ann Jarvis of Philadelphia in 1907. With her strong determination, Ann dedicated her life to fulfill her mother’s dream of the recognition of day for honoring mothers.

Mothers are special, absolutely! They carry a baby for 9 months, day-night, work or rest, rain of snow. Go through birth pains, feeds, loves, cares, guides. No doubt, God has combined all His loving qualities only in one person “Mother”.

With ever changing dynamics of business, raising a family for working mothers has been a challenge. The term used for Mom Entrepreneurs is “Mompreneur”. Cool, isn’t it?

There is no doubt that striking a balanced life is perhaps the biggest struggle for a Mompreneur. Writer Julie Lenzer Kirk in her book “The PartnerpReneur Edge” suggests that being a mom makes a better businesswoman and how parenting teaches helps building a successful business.

In my view mothers are:

Better planner
Have people’s qualities
Understand money
Pushy and

Keep it up moms, a very happy mother’s day to Momopreneurs around the globe!

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