Thursday, March 1, 2012

Growing Opportunites for Making Money Online

Power of web 2.0 is still unfolding. Businesses small or large, corporations, political parties, think tanks etc are fast becoming aware of the fact “There is no escape from the might of internet!” Looking back in the history, CEO of CNET Halsey Minor was amongst the first corporate leaders who accepted the power of internet. Started as a cable TV in 1992, CNET soon started beaming via the web.

Amazon has been recognized the first comprehensive ecommerce enabled marketing platform. The growth has been phenomenal for this company, in 1999, Amazon touched the annual revenue US$1.5 billion. In the quarter ending June 2011, the revenue stood at US$ 9.91 billion.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can Facebook Help in Generating Business Leads

Facebook with its massive outreach to over 800 million active users globally has become an ultimate promotional tool for businesses and simply cannot be ignored.

Those who label it as timewaster would be astonished by taking a quick browse on reasons for considering Facebook as a promotional tool for any business:

It is the single platform that connects its users speaking 70 languages. According to Facebook stats, over 400 million users visit their newsfeed at least once every day; this connects (on an average) them to eighty community pages, Facebook groups or events posted by their contacts. Users consider this platform as a good tool to upload photos. It has become so popular that on an average over 250 million photos are being uploaded every day!

With an increasing use through mobile devices, this application is now accessed by more than 350 million users via their cell phones or Smartphones. This gives Facebook an extra ordinary outreach to people on the go.
Read complete article Click here

Thursday, December 1, 2011

12 Tips for New Bloggers

I encourage people to write and the best way to publish their writing is through blogs. Usually, people interested in blogging, ask me “how to start putting thoughts together?” A valid question! Like any other learnable things, writing skills can also be learnt gradually.

I was told a long time ago that to be able to write well, one must read a lot. My first suggestion to aspiring bloggers is to make a list of topics that interest them. This could be sports they follow, music, fashion, politics, humor etc. This reading will trigger a flow of thoughts and that is the beginning of the process!

The trend is that the user generated content is read more as compared to news! According to estimates, only in the US, User generated content consumer will touch 130 million in 2012. Lets become part of this massive stream!
READ 12 Tips by clicking here