Monday, September 19, 2011

What is Success? Theory Redefined!

Only yesterday, I had three instances when entrepreneurs I was talking with told me that they were not successful yet! When I asked them what makes them think that they were not successful? All three of them were unable to satisfy me, and honestly were struggling for words. These three conversations sparked my mind to search for the right definition of entrepreneurial success.

Ron Haynes, Founder of The Wisdom Journal writes in one of this article that:

“most people think that success is a wrapped up in things, but the truth is success is wrapped up in how you see yourself and how you are able to enjoy your life!”

Ron’s views are pretty self-explanatory. But my mind was still struggling to understand the deeper logic of entrepreneurial success! In the evening while I was browsing my facebook, I saw an update from my friend Ashraf Chaudhry.

“Marketing is not an event, but a process . . . It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely.” – Jay Conrad Levinson.

Wahoo! And that was the beginning of an interesting thought process. I responded Ashraf with my own quote:

“Marketing is like universe. It has no end, but a new beginning when you reach to the edge!”
Based on this thought, I am able to come-up with an interesting explanation about entrepreneurial success: Click here for complete article

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