Twitter is the coolest social media tool. Those who do not use it are perhaps living in the Stone Age! It started as a SMS service (Short Message Service), and now grown viral to become one of the most used communication platform for all walks of life. This 140-character micro-blogging platform was formed in 2006, now has over 500 million users. Its popularity can also be judged by that fact that despite a banned in China, Twitter users have grown to over 35 million earlier this year. Three large markets for Twitter are now China, India with over 33 million users and the US with around 30 million users.
These are three largest markets – Can anyone ignore this fact that large numbers of social communities are now using Twitter as a tool to share, communicate and market? Most influential politicians, journalists, opinion formers and celebrities tweet and engage communities in discussions.
Having said this, for new users Twitter is still quite vanilla flavored. They generally struggle in understanding how to use it and what to expect from this tool. Following are 10 Cool Twitter Tips for non active and new users;